Lured Down the Garden Path
Lured Down the Garden Path
by Sherwood Steele
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Critical Thinking & Factual Analysis are crucial for preserving Liberty
With so many competing voices, understanding whose dialog to trust can be confusing. Do you sense that something is amiss? It seems like many are happy to blindly follow popular narratives while political and corporate entities spin stories that favor advantages for themselves. Facts are consistently distorted and blurred and many are allowing themselves to be shamed and gaslighted away from rational judgment and critical thinking.
If you however trust your judgment and seek resources to sort through information for yourself, you also have the confidence and the critical thinking skills to judge for yourself. Many are standing up to those who would intimidate you in this area. You think for yourself! If you question motives and diligently seek to sort out reality from the emotional hype then you will enjoy Lured Down the Garden Path.
Sherwood Steele is a historian who has researched historical sources and presented factual observations that counter many of today’s public deceptions. Readers will be encouraged by this book and armed with original, source information.
Steele starts by writing about a young man, who grew into adulthood with opinions adopted from the popular dialog of the 1970s. After observing significant events that contradicted what he had heard, David learned to see with a critical eye and his views changed sharply. Eventually, he lost trust in many public information sources.
Steele follows this story by addressing the motives behind the misinformation and where they began. He presents factual observations from credible first-hand sources that counter the lies. You will become armed with source information that supports and confirms what you know.
“The human mind is a powerful thing; I’ll be using my own thank you.” David Halcomb
***Critical Thinking & Factual Analysis are crucial for preserving Liberty***
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